+256 (0)782 760085 +256 (0)702 807397 +256 (0)756 946789 ulrikainst@gmail.com info@ulrikainstitute.ac.ug

Welcome to Ulrika I.H.E

"In the present situation where job searching is Challenging, the answer is in practical skills | as a direct goal to successful living. Ulrika comes in to provide the Solution"
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Courses We Offer

The Institute encourages dynamic creation of Skills and study across all disciplines. This innovative approach to accommodate education can transform the way one thinks, learns, lives, and ultimately impact the world.

Transform your life at Ulrika Institute of Home Economics.

If graduate education is in your future, we are here for you. Visit us today. We can provide you with more information about our programs.

Admissions are open for Two (2) Intakes that is MARCH and AUGUST.